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Brain Actives pills for your brain


Each of us wants to be smart. And this is a completely normal desire for a healthy person. However, in order to achieve this goal, you need to make some efforts and diligently engage in brain development.

We will talk about the key and most effective methods that have passed the test of time. It is also worth saying that all the suggested tips can be applied regardless of age.

Neuron training

Neurons are cells of the nervous system. There is no point in talking about their importance, because everyone understands their absolute significance for our lives. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain.

To provide themselves with the uninterrupted work of mental activity, they can and should be trained.

To do this, perform the usual actions not with the hand that you are used to doing it, but with the opposite.

In general, do with your left hand all the actions that the brain has long programmed under the right hand. This will be a powerful training for your neurons, and will allow them to consolidate new connections, which will significantly boost your brain.

Getting information “differently”

Our brain is so arranged that it gets used to everything. So in order to stimulate it, you need to do everything differently. Obtaining information in this sense is one of the most important points.

If you know even a little foreign language, try using foreign-language sites when searching for simple information.

All this will make the brain work at the limit of possibilities, which will undoubtedly affect the general level of its development.

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Read differently

We will not talk about the importance of reading, since this is a separate big topic. But to read differently, or in another way - this is one of the ways to become smarter and develop your brain.

Also start to predict what the author of the article with such a headline will talk about.

According to neurophysiologists, your brain will simply be forced to compare what you have imagined with what the author really tells you.

The result of this work will be an increase in the power of your brain and its indispensable development.

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For example, you read the title of this post: "Brain Development." So before you start reading it, you should literally 5-10 seconds to figure out what exercises for the development of the brain you want to recommend.

With this approach, the brain's resource will increase significantly, and its analytical and creative abilities will develop.

Numerical sense development

Numerical sense is the brain's ability to visually determine the number of elements without directly counting.

Driving past a stop - estimate the number of people standing there, and looking at the windows of a multi-storey building in the evening, estimate how many windows the light is on.

Scientists claim that this technique stimulates one of the oldest brain structures, which, of course, will have a beneficial effect on its development.

It is also extremely useful to carry out any actions with numbers in the mind. For example, count to one hundred and vice versa, naming only even numbers, then vice versa - only odd numbers.

The remaining three methods are related to general recommendations, which are equally important.

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Proper nutrition

As you know, the brain is the most "gluttonous" and energy-consuming human organ in need of proper nourishment.

Whole grains of bread, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat cereal, fruits and most vegetables are very useful for the brain.

Walnuts are rich in lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the cognitive functions of a person and activates memory.

Fish contains iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, it will help increase the reaction rate and lower blood cholesterol.

Spinach is rich in lutein, which protects brain cells from premature aging.

Also, do not forget that for proper functioning, the brain absolutely needs enough water.

Doing sports

Neurologists have found that regular physical activity significantly improves blood flow to the brain, which has a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities.
